If you use your old link to the old alertme forums, it helpfully tells you how many new customers they've signed up each day. 8 so far today for example.
This is in the stats section, mixed in with new posts etc. I suspect their support system autocreates the accounts when they process the signup.
8 isn't very many, but still not bad.
And as a bonus, see how many tortured soles like ourselves bought into the dream... currently 70087. The downside is I guess we can't see how many were removed.
Watch AlertMe Signups
Re: Watch AlertMe Signups
That is interesting - could you post the link, as the one I'm using doesn't show me anything like that.
Alerty - you could control your AlertMe system with my third-party app for iPhone and iPod Touch. Used to be available on iTunes!
Re: Watch AlertMe Signups
https://support.alertme.com/ics/support ... ILE_PHONE=#
You may need to log into secure.alertme.com first.
There is a section at the bottom:
Forum Statistics
Since the Forum was created, 1096 Discussions, 4791 Replies, and 70089 Users have been created.
Today, 0 Discussions, 0 Replies, and 8 Users have been created.
The most active users in the past week have been roobarb, Nobody, and Nobody.
https://support.alertme.com/ics/support ... ILE_PHONE=#
You may need to log into secure.alertme.com first.
There is a section at the bottom:
Forum Statistics
Since the Forum was created, 1096 Discussions, 4791 Replies, and 70089 Users have been created.
Today, 0 Discussions, 0 Replies, and 8 Users have been created.
The most active users in the past week have been roobarb, Nobody, and Nobody.