Server Shutdown
At the end of October and end of November 2017, AlertMe and British Gas will be closing down their servers based on the original AlertMe platform. This will include AlertMe Energy, AlertMe Security and British Gas Safe & Secure.
More details available here.
Those of you using the Alerty app may wonder what this means for the software. In short, when the AlertMe and British Gas servers go offline, the app won't have anything to talk to any more. I will shortly be releasing the final version, v1.59, which will provide some sensible instructions once the servers stop communicating. Then I'll make sure it's removed from sale.
The app will continue to work right up until somebody 'flips the switch'.
After that time... it depends. I'm very tempted to open source it, as there's every possibility it could be reused to control devices via an XBee with an appropriate API. For more detail on how things go with that project, check the Hardware and Hacking pages on this site.
Thank you to everybody who bought the software and left such lovely reviews and feedback. I'll really glad I could keep your AlertMe systems relevant on iOS just that bit longer!
IMPORTANT! Alerty iOS App and the Server Shutdown
IMPORTANT! Alerty iOS App and the Server Shutdown
Alerty - you could control your AlertMe system with my third-party app for iPhone and iPod Touch. Used to be available on iTunes!