API Account Locked

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API Account Locked

Post by dannydev »

Hi guys,

Ive just started playing with the API and in doing so have locked my account whilst getting it to log in.

The error I'm getting is "the account is locked due to too many failed password attempts".

So my question is how long is it locked for or do i have to email AM and ask them to unlock it for me?

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Re: API Account Locked

Post by roobarb! »

dannydev wrote:So my question is how long is it locked for or do i have to email AM and ask them to unlock it for me?
I did this some time ago and if I remember correctly, I had to go back to the AlertMe website and do a 'forgotten password' reset. That unlocked my account and had me up and running again.
Alerty - you could control your AlertMe system with my third-party app for iPhone and iPod Touch. Used to be available on iTunes!
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Re: API Account Locked

Post by Edmonio »

Hi All

I've been an alert me user since the beginning , and have got to a point where I bits , key fobs etc when they come up on eBay . I've recently got a second hand hub . Which is at the moment surplus , but would be useful if I could use it as clone of my already existing hub . Achieving two sources for doorbell and alarms ..does anybody have a clue how and if this is possible ? Thanks .

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Re: API Account Locked

Post by roobarb! »

Edmonio wrote:I've recently got a second hand hub . Which is at the moment surplus , but would be useful if I could use it as clone of my already existing hub . Achieving two sources for doorbell and alarms ..does anybody have a clue how and if this is possible ?
Don't think this would be do-able. The API has support for multiple Hubs, but it's never really been implemented. The best you could achieve is to run them as two independent systems, though you would need to contact AlertMe to have the 'new' Hub registered to an account, if you don't have access to the original.

One thing to note - the battery backup in the Hub is probably dead by now. I swapped a never-used battery pack from a spare Hub I have into my active Hub and it works just fine now that it's charged. Also, be wary of old power supplies - I found that my original PSU was borderline; able to power the Hub, but not enough to charge the battery properly, and when the Hub was rebooted it would often fail to load the configuration as it would reset at the point at which the radios were powered up. A new 5V PSU and everything works just fine again.
Alerty - you could control your AlertMe system with my third-party app for iPhone and iPod Touch. Used to be available on iTunes!
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