SmartLamp Power Rating

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SmartLamp Power Rating

Post by Kieron »


Can anyone tell me what the power supply rating of the PSU for the original SmartLamp is. I've lost just the PSU for mine somewhere down the line and the Lamp itself has no information on itself at all.

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Re: SmartLamp Power Rating

Post by fiat20vtp »

Hi , if it is the round one (no the original Mathmos based one) then you need a 5V 1A supply with a 5.2mm to 5.5mm dia outer and a 2.5mm center.

The plug is center positive (outer is 0V).

The original was made by Sunfone who unfortunately went out of business a couple of years ago, so newer supplies are from a couple of different vendors.

If your really struggling to find one I can dig one out for you.
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