SmartAlarm Sensor false readings

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SmartAlarm Sensor false readings

Post by BobbyBrownPants »

Does anyone else get false alarms from their SmartAlarm Sensors when they replace the battery?

The first 2 I had went back to AlertMe for testing but I never got a reply just a delivery of 2 new sensors complete with batteries.

When the batteries ran out I replaced them and again got false alarms for a few days, sometimes in the middle of the night. This was most annoying as our hub is configured to call my parents who live 100 doors up the road which woke up everyone in their house!

I think this is voltage related as when I swapped the batteries for ones that had been in SmartMotion Sensors for a few weeks the SmartAlarm Sensors didn't have a problem. The new batteries then went into the SmartMotion Sensors and they didn't give false readings!
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